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Don't feel like flying? Check out our range of Holiday+ Cruises

Sydney to:

Hobart - Follow the coast down this historic yacht race circuit. Only instead of maning the jig, you'll be maning the ships spa and recreational areas.

Return 4 Nights Cruise + 1 night at The Hotel Grand Chancellor in Hobart + Breakfast


Sydney Cruise Package
Melbourne Cruise Package

Melbourne to:

New Zealand - Head out to sea on this luxury cruise to Middle Earth. Enjoy sun bathing out near one of the two full sized swimming pools or head inside to see a show or enjoy the gaming lounge.

Return 14 Nights Cruise + 1 night at The Hilton Auckland + Breakfast


All Cruises leave from Sydney or Melbourne and include free buffet breakfast every morning,
plus one night stay at a hotel or resort at the Cruises destination. Need to fly to start your cruise? Book Now



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